- 读书四境界
- 概括为认字、泛读,精读、研究阅读。目前我个人处于精读这个阶段,而且掌握的还不太好。主要谈谈精读和研究阅读
- 精读
- 知道书属于哪一个类别,用一句话概括出一本书,可以把零散的部分逻辑连成一本书,知道这本书解决了一个什么问题就完成了基本的精读。而我可能目前就在此种境界
- 第一层看结构,第二层看血肉。找到作者的关键词句、论点、知道作者已经解决了什么问题,还有那些问题没解决,为啥没解决。这时是精读第二层境界
- 研究阅读
- 个人认为博士或者硕士的论文就是研究阅读,找到所有的资料(书或者论文),定义自己的体系框架,明确要解决的问题,讨论解决方案。
- 读书方法改进
- 变被动为主动
- 之前读历史类的书感觉自己像在读《故事会》,缺乏把自己放在情景中的过程。对于这样的历史书,要标记和写下自己的想法,如果自己是这个历史人物会怎么做。对于哲学论证的书,要找到书中相互佐证甚至相反的案例。一句话要不断问自己问题,为什么这样做?如何做?是你怎么做?这样对不对?等等
- 整理结构
- 只有整理出书的结构,作者论证的顺序,这样才能更好的理解作者,并内化成自己的东西。否则就像猪八戒吞人参果一样。
- 变被动为主动
- What Good Books Can Do for Us
- You must tackle books that are beyond you, or, as we have said, books that are over your head. Only books of that sort will make you stretch your mind. And unless you stretch, you will not learn
- First, there is the improvement in your reading skill that occurs when you successfully tackle a good, difficult work. Second—and this in the long run is much more important —a good book can teach you about the world and about yourself
- The Pyramid of Books
- But what you only now begin to realize is that the book was so far above you to begin with that it has remained above you, and probably always will remain so. Since it is a really good book—a great book, as we might say—it is accessible at different levels
- They are the books to which you will want to return over and over. They are the books that will help you to grow
- The Life and Growth of the Mind
- But there is no limit to the amount of growth and development that the mind can sustain
- Reading well, which means reading actively, is thus not only a good in itself, nor is it merely a means to advancement in our work or career. It also serves to keep our minds alive and growing